As with the majority of companies now, we have terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are necessary in order to protect you, the customer. Please make sure that you have read the terms and conditions below before making a booking with Bumper2Bumper
By using the services of Bumper2Bumper, you are deemed to have accepted our terms and conditions
Please give us as much prior notice as possible in the event that you need to cancel your appointment. (Minimum 48 hours required)
- Cancellations at short notice (within 48 hours) will be charged in full and must be paid before we will rebook your appointment
- The full charge will also apply if we turn up to find the vehicle is unavailable for us to carry out the valet booked
- The full charge will also apply if you have booked in multiple vehicles and we turn up to find one or more of them is unavailable for us to carry out the valet bookedThese policies reflect the fact that our time is valuable and your appointment may have prevented someone else from benefitting from our services.
In the unlikely event that your appointment has to be delayed or cancelled by us, we will contact you as soon as possible. We will not be held liable for any consequential losses resulting from such delay or cancellation.
Bad Weather Conditions and Your Booking
We carry out valet services all year round so, on some occasions, the weather prevents us from pursuing our normal duties. In this event, if you have an undercover area or suitable garage, we could still valet your vehicle. If no such sheltered work area is available, bad weather may regrettably force us to cancel. We will contact you by phone to confirm the cancellation and to re-schedule a more suitable appointment. Thank you for understanding
Business Insurance
We have an MMA Insurance Policy. Our Motor Trade Insurance covers us to drive all our customers' vehicles, with no value limit! So rest assured, we are legally and financially covered to be in charge of your vehicle
We will not be held responsible for any damage to your vehicle arising from ill fitting trim, loose or faulty parts, door mirrors held on with chewing gum, etc. Please ensure you make us aware of any potential problems before we start the valet.
Contents of Your Vehicle / Personal Items
If you have booked a valet service, please make sure your vehicle is in a reasonable condition by removing excess items from the interior and boot area. Either remove all your personal belongings, or put them in a bag away from rubbish that we will clear. Thank you. Please note - items that may resemble rubbish could be considered disposable and, therefore, removed. We will not be held responsible in such a situation
Baby Seats
Child seats must be refitted by you; we will NOT be able to re-fit child seats under any circumstances